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Are Blogs Still Relevant in 2023?

My name is Kyla and I am a writer. I've spent years running away from blogging, but I'm giving myself permission to do what I enjoy: WRITE.

Who is Kyla Denanyoh?

I am an Ohioan, writer, podcaster, content curator, video editor, and lawyer.

When I go to bed, I lie there for a few minutes and daydream about the titles of blogs or novels. I write those down with a few examples to fill out the title and think of a new blog.

Or I am so tired that I immediately fall asleep and dream about vivid storylines and plots, wake up and write everything down in a frenzy, then go back to sleep before I can judge myself for writing stories while half awake.

And in the morning, I always check my phone for confirmation of a dream that I was writing down a story, and there is always a little note with poor spelling and grammar that reminds me of the cool story I saw while sleeping.

Why are blogs still relevant?

I have been talking myself OUT of creating a blog for years. Usually, I talk myself out of a blog in order to create something else, like a podcast or YouTube channel. Or I talk myself out of the blog because it will be too much work. But I've recently learned that EVERYTHING is work, so why not work on something for myself. Something that I'll enjoy immensely because I love writing.

And I should run towards words, not run from words so I created the Running Towards Words by Kyla Denanyoh.

You can expect a new blog every week. I am stubbornly consistent too, so get ready to enjoy these blogs every week regardless of federal or national holidays or my birthday! A new blog will be here.

Why create a blog NOW?

I am ready to share my words and writing style with the world. Everything I see online feels like a sign that it's time to start writing, so I will start writing. And I have written a few words. And you are reading them. Hey! 👋🏽

This blog was created for me to embrace my talents and interests. What creative or artistic interest are you running from because of [insert excuse here]. Why don't you switch things up and run towards your interests? I will cheer you along the whole time.

By far, the hardest thing about this process is understanding how bad I will be at writing or the first year or two.

Well, come along for the words and book reviews and get to know Kyla Denanyoh!

Until next time!


Kyla Denanyoh with plants.jpg

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I read more than 80 books a year, record a video book review and write about them here! Enjoy!

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