Make Your Bed book review
Everybody wants to change the world, but to do that, you have to focus on 10 people. Keep reading to find out what book I'm reviewing today.
So you're trying to change the world; you gotta start with this video. My name is Kyla Denanyoh, and today we're talking about the book Make Your Bed. Admiral William H. McRaven wrote this. The genre of the book is nonfiction. The theme of the book is motivational behavior.
A retired U.S. Navy Admiral writes this. And so the book is all about 10 habits that you can do that will completely change your life, and one of the big ones was making your bed, so he called the book this. There's been a spin-off with a children's book about making your bed because it's all about when you can take control of the things in your life and impact those things. It's easier to control other things when you can control what is within your sphere.
And so what do 10 people have to do with it?
William H. McRaven says you have to start with what you know. The world is big, vast, and huge. But if you influence 10 people, wow! You could completely change everything around you.
Don't get me wrong; 10 people sounds like a tall order. How will you know when you think about someone you've impacted, someone whose life you've changed? You have no idea. It's not like you sit on a survey. Did you enjoy working with me?
But even if you never hear from people, if someone asks you to mentor them, you will profoundly impact your life. If someone leaves you a comment, "Hey, I love that video. You made me go read somebody else's book." That's an impact.
In this case, the foundation of this book was the impact of all the different people he trained and interacted with, including the fact that he was even able to give a commencement speech.
If he can say that out of all the people that he's touched, out of all the people that he's encountered, out of all the people that he's trained, if you can focus on 10 people, it could change the world, I'm going to listen to him. He knows way more than me.
I have to say that one of the things that I love about the book is all of the personal stories. Admiral McRaven was talking about how he had an accident where his parachute went off wrong, and it split his pelvic bone. I'm not dealing with anything that hard, so if I can impact people, I can do it. I can do it.
So, would I reread the book Make Your Bed? Yeah, we even picked up the children's book about Skipper the Seal for my daughter so she could make up her bed. And it's so cute because she has the smallest little bed, blanket, and water bottle. But in the mornings, we get up, hang the blanket, and take out the water bottle. And so even she can learn that lesson of getting things in order, controlling what you can control, and then moving on with your life.
Changing the world is hard. Impacting 10 people? Doable. For someone in the military who has been a sugar cookie multiple times and is a Navy admiral, he would know how hard and challenging the world is. If he says to focus on 10 people, then focus on impacting 10 people. To do that, you must be rested, centered, and aware of what's going on.
Until the next book review, Kyla